AEC Data Diode - Firewalls vs Data Diode

Vulnerability of Firewalls

  • Network firewalls are software-based, traditional security controls that are vulnerable to the severe threats launched by hackers.
  • Hackers have developed sophisticated and unrecognizable pathways to intrude across network security firewalls.
  • Communication related to misconfigured firewalls is not automated, and can be panic-inducing for organizations due to manual alerts.
  • Firewall failure can force companies to take their networks and lock firewall access.

Complementing Firewalls with Data Diode Security

Despite the vulnerabilities of firewalls, they can be optimized and complemented with the use of hardware-based data diodes for improved network security. In an ideal security environment, the collective use of data diodes and firewalls can improve the overall security posture.

Firewalls Data Diode
Software technology- It is impossible to eliminate bugs, logic issues, and vulnerability to intrusions. Hardware technology- All software vulnerabilities to intrusion are eliminated.
Firewalls fail to protect against severe DoS and other bogus attacks targeted directly on the servers. Physical path separation of data diodes makes online attacks and security threats impossible.
Firewalls often require opening of ports to allow new pieces of protocol to communicate data. This poses a risk of wrong ports being opened. Easy support protocols and proxy servers for transferring data can resolve the issue of wrong ports.
Complexities in configuration and maintenance. Simple to implement, maintain, and configure.
Hackers can completely bypass the security protocol of an organization and get behind its firewall. Hardware-based security protocols cannot be penetrated, simply because a virtual threat cannot bypass a physical barrier.
Failed firewall response could result in compromise of master user access information. Data diodes are scaled to protect all forms of intrusions that can affect the integrity of critical data or information.