Smart Safety

Unleashing New Frontiers in
Site Safety to Drive Success

Promoting Greater Situational Awareness Throughout Worksite

Oil & Gas
Operation &

Is Your Site Safe & Smart?

Automated Safety Solutions for
High-Risk Environments

Determine body's stress level based on weather & other parameters such as heart rate

Collate & analyze weather parameters

Automatic alerts for worker safety in hazardous situations

Automated notifications to avert damages

  • Near collision or fall detection
  • Safety hook non-compliance

Monitor workers in real-time

Automated gas exposure notifications for workers' safety

SOS feature

Zoning employees to track workers in each zone or area

Remote monitoring

SAMI-AEC Raqeeb:
Transforming Site Safety


Improved health and safety

*Under ideal solution deployment conditions


Increased efficiency

*Under ideal solution deployment conditions


Reduced accidents

*Under ideal solution deployment conditions


Increased mental satisfaction

*Under ideal solution deployment conditions


Better preventive action

*Under ideal solution deployment conditions

SAMI-AEC Raqeeb Capabilities

Weather & Air
Quality Station

Provides valuable data for safety, regulatory compliance, and environmental responsibility, enabling informed decision-making, protection of workers, and minimal environmental impact under specific weather conditions.


Video analytics and AI-driven applications promote real-time critical event detection and identification of potential hazards, facilitating enhanced risk assessment and management, project planning, and streamlining compliance with safety regulations.

Heat Stress

Leverages wearable devices equipped with sensors to track environmental conditions and workers' physiological parameters in real-time. This helps detect signs of heat stress early, preventing heat-related illnesses and ensuring worker safety in hot environments


A powerful tool to improve holistic safety, productivity, and comprehensive project management by embedding location-based technologies and data-driven insights.

Mobile & Modular

SAMI-AEC Raqeeb is designed for mobility and modularity, and there is no need to install fixed devices on the site. The various components of the overall solution are mobile and can be moved to the required locations.

Enhancing Workers' Efficiency with Smart Watch

Tracks workers’ geolocation, and evaluates vital health metrics

Blood pressure

Skin temperature

Heart rate

Heat stress

Improving Workers’ Safety with Smart Harness

Aids in the prompt identification of dangerous situations

Free fall detection

Fall prevention

Preventing Accidents with Gas Detection Sensors

Detects the presence of potentially harmful gasses

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Oxygen (O2)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)