24x7 Security

Monitoring & Assessment

Offering robust security assessment to improve the performance of the SOC

The day-to-day proceedings of next-gen organizations unfold in multiple environments i.e. on-premises, on cloud, or both. But it becomes difficult to correctly monitor and detect threats when systems and assets reside in a hybrid mix of on-premises and cloud. Further, unifying forces for quick incident response is a serious bottleneck in the cyber defense system. The intelligent security assessment tools of SAMI-AEC’s SOCaaS help organizations to overcome this problem.

Develop dynamic security
intelligence operations

In-depth research
on threat trends

Accuracy in threat
triaging & analysis

Optimize security
incident correlation

SAMI-AEC’s managed security services use automation, machine learning, and AI to gain complete visibility into an organization’s internal and external systems. These powerful tools enable enterprises to monitor, manage, and mitigate emerging threats across the IT, OT, and IIoT domains.

SAMI-AEC-managed SOCs establish a single security system to thwart risk, contain threats, and effectively triage security incidents. SAMI-AEC’s SOC supports firms in asset discovery, network intrusion, vulnerability assessment, endpoint detection and response, intelligent event correlation, and log management, all through one platform.

SAMI-AEC’s SOC regularly updates and maintains real-time service portals for organizations. These portals are shared with customers to support internal corporate IT teams with security data, helping to better collaborate on monitoring and responding to suspicious cyber activity. This way companies can save time on back-and-forth communication, and act swiftly when a threat is identified.