Holistic Threat

Analysis & Management

Developing an intelligent threat management architecture through SOC-as-a-Service

The biggest threat to a company’s cybersecurity management is its own unpreparedness to combat cyber risks. Enterprises with fragmented information, delayed communication, and siloed processes become weak responders and managers of cyber threats. SAMI-AEC’s SOCaaS can enable next-gen organizations to cohesively respond to intrusion and exfiltration attempts, malware, and other security incidents.

Early detection accelerates
threat management

Swift delivery of
threat intelligence

Human intervention
& curation

Collaboration on
full threat lifecycle

A holistic, pan-organization view of security vulnerabilities aids swift identification and correlation of suspicious cyber activity. SAMI-AEC’s SOCaaS provides security teams a unified view into the cyber risks that emerge across the organizational threat landscape, thus paving the way for quick incident response.

Today’s complex cyberattacks necessitate the deployment of advanced technology to intelligently bolster cyber defense. SAMI-AEC’s managed SOC services utilize automation to outmaneuver cybercriminals, simplify repetitive tasks, optimize security operations, and to coordinate threat response.

With SAMI-AEC’s SOCaaS, organizations can collect and report security information on a single dashboard, in real-time. This enables IT experts to unify and monitor security data, whilst discovering vulnerabilities across networks. SAMI-AEC’s SOC dashboards empower enterprises to fiercely manage threats and confidently navigate threat response.