Saudi Iot Saudi Iot
  • Smart Mosque

    Smart Mosque

    Energy savings and efficiency

  • SIEM


    Generating real-time security alerts

  • Medicine Tracking Using Blockchain

    Medicine Tracking Using Blockchain

    Information-sharing in secure environments

  • Data Diode

    Data Diode

    One-way data transfer protocol

  • Smart Health

    Smart Health

    Monitoring patient health parameters

  • 3D Printer

    3D Printer

    Prototyping of 3D objects and devices

Smart Mosque

Smart Mosque

Energy savings and efficiency



Generating real-time security alerts

Medicine Tracking Using Blockchain

Medicine Tracking Using Blockchain

Information-sharing in secure environments

Data Diode

Data Diode

One-way data transfer protocol

Smart Health

Smart Health

Monitoring patient health parameters

3D Printer

3D Printer

Prototyping of 3D objects and devices

Smart Mosque

Smart Mosque is an actionable and automated mosque that deploys digital technologies to offer enhanced experiences to worshippers. Besides this, smart mosque is equipped with AI and IoT sensors that interact with the visitors, improve internal and external safety, save energy, and track events and prayer timings.



Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) System uses network hardware and applications to generate real-time security alerts. SIEM includes logging of security data, correlation, and real-time monitoring of events.


Medicine Tracking Using Blockchain

Use of distributed networks to share information in a safe and secure environment. Tracking of assets within medicine can be achieved with the help of blockchain technology.


Data Diode

Data diodes establish one-way data transfer protocol for all the networks through physical and electrical separation of the host and the destination. This prevents hostile malware from affecting your networks, accessing your systems, or making harmful changes.


Smart Health

Use of digital technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to fortify healthcare systems and ensure improved monitoring of patient health parameters.


3D Printer

AEC 3D printing machine is based on Stereolithography (SLA) technology which is known for very high accuracy and smooth surface finish among other additive manufacturing technologies. The machine is able to manufacture real parts by selectively curing a polymer resin layer-by-layer using an ultraviolet (UV) laser beam.


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